In the early hours of Tuesday, March 12, 2024, a concerning incident unfolded on Cowpen Road, leading to the arrest of the son of an FNM Senator for carrying an illegal weapon. Police reports indicate that around 12:46 am, a call was made to the Police Control Room by an off-duty police inspector, alerting them about an intoxicated off-duty officer brandishing a firearm at “Tight Pocket” Bar. The individual was identified as Police Constable 4394, Dreyon Henfield, the son of FNM Senator Darren Henfield.
A special police unit, Alpha Cease Fire, led by the Channel Superintendent , promptly responded to the call for assistance. Further investigations led by the officer and his team at Johnny’s Restaurant & Bar nearby resulted in Henfield’s confrontation and subsequent search. The search revealed a black handgun loaded with rounds of ammunition.
Dreyon Henfield, who is currently on sick leave from his duties in the Firearm and Anti-Gang Unit, was arrested and cautioned for possession of a firearm and ammunition. He was then transported to Carmichael Police Station for processing before being moved to Cable Beach Police Station for safekeeping. The authorities are conducting ongoing investigations into this grave matter.
This incident raises serious concerns about firearm safety and the responsibilities of law enforcement officers, casting a shadow over the reputation of a prominent political family in the Bahamas. Further updates will be provided as the investigation continues.
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