We are at a political juncture in the life of the PLP. We must always remember how we capitalize on the amateurish decisions of the unforgettable trick of Hubert Minnis into calling an early election when his party was at its weakest state. PLP should have invaluable lessons.
The upcoming convention allows us to tweak the top brass of the party to be battle-ready for the general elections scheduled for 2026. The politically wise thing to do is to present the best team that will attract new voters and, most of all, solidify the party base. Cohesiveness must be the order of the day.
The personnel that would comfort the leader at this time is paramount.
Therefore, a unified party is the best measuring stick to show that we believe in our leadership and are willing to, come hell or high water, fight tooth and nail to ensure the Bahamian people return to the government under the supervision of Philip Brave Davis.
Despite practicing democracy, The Bahamian people would be confused if we showed signs of weakness and did not express confidence in our leadership by mounting strategies to replace any part of that team.
So there are conflicting messages if we support the leadership of Philip Davis and Chester Cooper and then decide to mount a campaign to weaken that team by removing a piece of the team in the chair.
The fallout from the emotional trauma of a political fight without and within takes a toll and may cause irreparable damage to the party in preparation for the general election.
In politics, timing is everything! Overzealousness to prove a point may throw out the baby with the bathwater. Giving contradicting statements exposes the motive.
The impending upcoming much talked about PLP chairman’s race may be an unnecessary exercise that may cause too deep of a crack that would be too politically expensive, emotionally traumatizing, and damaging to our chances of returning as the next government.
So, in this case, selfishness about one’s ambitions must be replaced with selflessness and a party-first mentality, especially when there is tomorrow, seeing that the potential candidate is relatively young.
No one is saying that anyone would not reach for the stars in achieving their goal, politically or otherwise, but since timing is everything, the wise thing to do now is to show unity so that the impressionable voter can see that we are stronger together.
Plain and simple, the PLP does not need any show of division, significantly since the by-election and general election may be affected, which is no time for tomfoolery!
The wounded FNM is in intensive care and does not need any resuscitation. We must disconnect the life support system once and for all by how wise we behave in the PLP.
The sun will come out tomorrow; you wait and see.
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