The fear of crime and crime itself has caused serious concerns. Paranoia has set in because we feel paralysed. After all, no honest answer can ease the anxiety. But the frightened public is calling for drastic measures that should serve as a deterrent that causes everyone to think twice about murder because they would die also.
The rate of murders has now become commonplace, so much so that it is not as terrifying anymore.
We are numb!
The judiciary is nothing more than a revolving door. The perpetrators are tried, sent on bail, and then they kill again. The taxpayers are made to fund a gruelling trial, only to sentence them to life imprisonment. But if a judge finds the courage to sentence them to death, then the white judges at the privy council, with the superior brain, do as they see fit; what they say goes. They are the final arbitrator. They are the gods.
We must think long and hard about it. Do we want the Privy Council to be the end-all and be-all in the decisions that affect Bahamians?
Does the Privy Council hog tie us to the original control inflicted by England?
Isn’t it time to rid ourselves of the Privy Council? Isn’t it time that we stop pretending to be independent and grab hold of our destiny? Sensible countries that are not pretentious have moved on to a republic. Why is it so hard for us to want to control our affairs?
We are too dependent on foreigners in everything we do. We have passed through decades of lying about being independent.
We are NOT independent!
There will never be capital punishment if we are subservient and respect the decision of three white men who live in another world and do not feel our pain.
The Privy Council is just another ploy to control all Bahamians from a distance. We must stop saying we are independent if we cannot decide our fate.
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